Road Design / Construction / Improvement / Maintenance
Callan Traffic Management Plan - Green Street Improvement Scheme - Phase One completed Q2 and Phase 2 commenced in Q3, expected to be completed Q2 2010.
Newpark Drive Improvement Scheme - Phase One - Land acquisition by agreement finalised in early Q2. Work commenced late Q2. Works expected to be completed Q2 2010.
Kilkenny Central Access Scheme - Decision from on An Bord Pleanala received on the 7th of July 2009. Further Information sought with respect to Phase One of the Scheme. Further Information submission to An Bord Pleanala expected Q3 2010.
R700 Ferrymountgarrett Bridge - Refurbishment Contract - Detailed Design and Contract Documents completed Q3. Works completed Q4.
N10 Ring Road Improvement Scheme - Detailed Design Completed. Works commenced on initial phasing of project, which included provision of footpaths and cycle tracks between the Bohernatounish Road Roundabout and the Dublin Road Roundabout and carriageway widening to allow 2 lane entry and exit from Roundabouts. Works expected to be completed Q2 2010.
R700 Thomastown Relief Road. Land Acquisition by agreement for Phase One completed Q4. Site Investigation Works for Phase One and Two completed in Q1. Detail Design and Contract Documents for the Dangan Pedestrian Bridge
R700 Thomastown Relief Road Advance Contract completed Q3. Works commenced Q3 and scheme substantially completed in 2009. Detail Design and Contract Documents for Phase One substantially complete 2009.
Eastern Environs Improvement Scheme - Phase One - Golf-links Road and New Orchard Road Improvement Scheme - Detailed Design and Contract Documents completed Q1/Q2. Land acquisition completed Q2. Works commenced Q3 and expected to be completed Q2 2010.
Northern Ring Road Extension and Nore River Crossing - (N77 Castlecomer Road to R693 Freshford Road). Site Investigations commenced Q3 and substantially completed 2009. Topographical survey completed Q3. Electronic water level gauges and flow meter equipment to undertake River Nore Hydrology modelling installation commenced Q4.
Mobility Management Plan - Part 8 adopted by Kilkenny Borough Council in Q3. Smarter Travel Area Working Group set up Q3. Under the Smarter Travel Plan - A Sustainable Transport Future - A Stage 1 Bid for funding was submitted to the DoT Q4. Kilkenny Local Authorities short listed following national competition in Q4. Expected that Stage 2 Bid will be submitted to the DoT in Q2 2010.
N9/N10 Phase 2 Waterford to Knocktopher continued during 2009 with BAM Civil Engineering as Main Contractor. The Official Opening of the Scheme will take place on 22nd March 2010.
N9/N10 Phase 4 Knocktopher to Powerstown. SRB Limited (a joint venture of Roadbridge and Sisk) started work in January 2008. Progress was very satisfactory during 2009 on both earthworks and bridge construction. The anticipated opening date is October 2010.
N24 Moincoin Bypass. Although a Preferred Route has been chosen it is unlikely that the Scheme will proceed in the near future.
N25 Waterford to Glenmore. Tramore House Regional Design Office continued design work on the Scheme. A public display of Route Options took place in Glenmore in July 2009. It is expected that a Preferred Route will be chosen in Summer 2010.
N9 Phase 2: Gorrue, Knocktopher with Hugginstown Fenin the background |
M9 Phase 2: Bridge over Kings River |
M9 Phase 2: Work in progress near Mullinavat adjacent to the Regional road to New Ross |
M9 Phase 2: Waterford to Knocktopher |